Vanessa Robinson from Cathedral Osteopaths talks to 69-year-old patient Andy Campbell from York on how IDD Therapy has helped him on the golf course

Hello Andy, what symptoms were you struggling with when you first came to see me?

For years, I struggled to move my neck sideways, basically. It was causing me more and more grief insofar as driving, just turning round, playing golf, all those sorts of things. I went to an osteopath, and they basically said, 'Have an MRI'. I had one done and they looked at that and said if I didn't do something about it, I would eventually lose all power in my arms and legs. He suggested I come to you, Vanessa.

So, what treatment did you have here?

IDD on my neck.

And how are you now?

Good. The movement of my neck has improved significantly, I'm almost back to normal, which is a major benefit as far as I'm concerned.

And what can you do now? How's it affected your life?

It makes driving a lot easier. It makes golf a lot easier and just life in general. Now I can just get on and do things as opposed to having to turn my whole body to them. Now I can just turn my neck again, which is a lot better. And the pain I had is less. I still get sort of a sore neck in the evenings, but it's significantly better than it was.

Do you want to mention your golf improvement?

Yeah. Over the last few weeks, my golf has improved quite significantly. Last week I shot seven shots better than I ever shot before, which was nice.

Would you put that down to the improved movement in your neck?

It must have made a difference because I can now basically keep my eye on the ball as I'm twisting around, which I struggled to do previously. So, yes, it has had a marked impact.

What would you say to somebody who is struggling with the same symptoms that you had?

Do something about it, basically. I've actually already mentioned it to a couple of guys I play golf with who struggle with their backs and go to physios. I took a couple of your leaflets in this week, and I've given them to them as well.

Well, I'm really pleased with how you've done, so, well done and thank you.

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